Data bank of environmental chemicals     |     The Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE)


Data bank of environmental properties of chemicals

Lead nitrate
CAS-number :
Synonyms :
Sumformula of the chemical :
Pb(NO3)2 HNO3. 1/2Pb
EINECS-number :
Uses :
Lead salts, mordant in dyeing and printing calico, matches,
mordant for staining mother-of-pearl, oxidizer in the dye
industry, sensitizer in photography, explosives, tanning,
process engraving, and lithography.
State and appearance :
White crystals.
Degradation point, °C :
Other physicochemical properties :
Soluble in water and alcohol. 
Strong oxidizing material,
dangerous fire risk in contact with organic materials
(Sax & Lewis 1987).
EC50 values to crustaceans, mg/l :
120  mbt, 2d, Asellus aquaticus
64.1  mbt, 4d, Asellus aquaticus
43.8  mbt, 2d, Crangonyx pseudogracilis
27.6  mbt, 4d, Crangonyx pseudogracilis
  Martin & Holdich 1986
LC50 values to fishes, mg/l :
13.2  96hr, Channa punctata
12  96hr, Heteropneustes fossilis
  Sastry & Gupta 1980
6.6  7d, Carassius auratus
  Kemp et al. 1973
470  total Pb, 96hr, Salmo gairdneri
1.47  dissolved Pb, 96hr, Salmo gairdneri
  Davies et al. 1976
1625  1625 - 1632, 4d, Poecilia reticulata
1632  Sehgal & Saxena 1987
Effects on physiology of water organisms :
Barbus conchonius, 0.0474 mg/l, 30 d, biochemical effect (change
in physiochemical process including glycogen uptake, cholesterol
levels and lipis analysis) (Tewari et al. 1987).

Colisa fasciata, 9.5 mg/l, 4 d, histological effect (presence of
physical damage to tissues) (Srivastava 1987).

(Data recalculation to ion concentration:)
Barytelphusa guerini, 1 d, 0.300 mg/l, hematological effect;
Barytelphusa guerini, 1 - 30 d, 0.300 mg/l, physiological
effect (Tulasi & Rao 1988a, b); Chironomus plumosus, 0.08 d,
6.0 mg/l, oxygen consumption effect (Malyarevskaya & Karasina
1987); Clarias batrachus, 270 d, 3.0 mg/l, histological effect
(Katti & Sathyanesan 1987a); Clarias batrachus, 150 d, 3.0
mg/l, physiological effect (Katti & Sathyanesan 1987b); Coretus
corneus, 0.08 d, 6.0 mg/l, oxygen consumption effect;
Pontogammarus maeoticus, 1 d, 60.0 mg/l, mortality;
Pontogammarus maeoticus, 0.08 d, 0.6 mg/l, oxygen consumption
effect (Malyarevskaya & Karasina 1987).

Procambarus clarkii, 4 d, 400 mg/l, delayed oxygen consumption
effect in recovery water (Torreblanca et al. 1987).
Other information of water organisms :
Chara vulgaris, 0.0000075 M, 7 d, 100 % mortality including
algicidal and herbicidal effects (Heumann 1987).

Carassius auratus, impaired efficiency, 0.07 mg Pb/l (Weir &
Hime 1970).

2285Anon. 1989. Miljöfarliga ämnen - exempellista och vetenskaplig dokumentation. 303 p. Stockholm. Rapport från kemikalieinspektionen (KEMI) 10.
318Davies, P.H., Goettl, J.P., Sinley, J.R. & Smith, N.F. 1976. Acute and chronic toxicity of lead to rainbow trout Salmo gairdneri in hard and soft water. Water Res. 10: 199 - 206.
1951Heumann, H.G. 1987. Effects of heavy metals on growth and ultrastructure of Chara vulgaris. Protoplasma 136: 37.
2570Katti, S.R. & Sathyanesan, A.G. 1987a. Lead nitrate induced nuclear inclusions in the oocytes of the catfish Clarias batrachus (L.). Environ. Res. 44: 238.
2571Katti, S.R. & Sathyanesan, A.G. 1987b. Lead nitrate induced changes in the thyroid physiology of the catfish Clarias batrachus (L.). Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf. 13: 1.
704Kemp, H.T., Little, R.L., Holoman, V.L. & Darby, R.L. 1973. Water quality data book - Vol. 5. Effects of chemicals on aquatic life. EPA. Water pollution control research series 09/73.
2569Malyarevskaya, A.Ya. & Karasina, F.M. 1987. Effect of lead nitrate on physiological and biochemical characteristics of certain aquatic invertebrates. Hydrobiol. J. (Gidrobiol. Zh.) 23: 84.
1763Martin, T.R. & Holdich, D.M. 1986. The acute lethal toxicity of heavy metals to peracarid crustaceans (with particular reference to fresh-water asellids and gammarids). Water Res. 20(9): 1137 - 1147.
2102Pickering, Q., Carle, D.O., Pilli, A., Willingham, T. & Lazorchak, J.M. 1989. Effects of pollution on freshwater organisms. Journal WPCF 61 (6): 998 - 1042.
1973Pilli.A., Carle, D.O., Kline. E., Pickering. Q. & Lazorchak. J. 1988. Effets of pollution on freshwater organisms. JWPCF 60(6): 994 - 1065.
1231Sastry, K.V. & Gupta, P.K. 1980. Changes in the activities of some digestive enzymes of Channa punctatus, exposed chronically to mercuric chloride. J. Environ. Sci. Health, 15B: 109.
2573Sehgal, R. & Saxena, A.B. 1987. Determination of acute toxicity levels of cadmium and lead to the fish Lebistes reticulatus (peters). Int. J. Environ. Stud. 29: 157.
2033Srivastava, A.K. 1987. Changes induced by lead in fish testis. J. Environ. Biol. 8: 329.
2032Tewari, H. et al. 1987. Impact of chronic lead poisoning on the hematological and biochemical profiles of a fish, Barbus conchonius (Ham.). Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 38: 778.
2572Torreblanca, A. et al. 1987. Oxygen uptake and gill morphological alterations in Procambarus clarkii (Girard) after sublethal exposure to lead. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 86C: 219.
2567Tulasi, S.J. & Rao, J.V.R. 1988a. Effects of lead on copper content of fresh water crab Barytelphusa guerini (H. Milne Edwards). Indian J. Exp. Biol. 26: 323.
2568Tulasi, S.J. & Rao, J.V.R. 1988b. Acid-base balance and blood gas changes in the freshwater field crab, Barytelphusa guerini, on exposure to organic and inorganic lead. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 40: 198.
2544Weir & Hime 1970. Arch. Environ. Health 20: 45 - 51.

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