Data bank of environmental chemicals     |     The Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE)


Data bank of environmental properties of chemicals

CAS-number :
Synonyms :
1H-Pyrazolium, 1,2-dimethyl-3,5-diphenyl- (CAS 49866-87-7)
1H-Pyrazolium, 1,2-dimethyl-3,5-diphenyl-, methyl sulfate (CAS 43222-48-6)
Difenzoquat methyl sulfate
Sumformula of the chemical :
C17H17N2 (CAS 48866-87-7); C17H17N2.CH3O4S (CAS 43222-48-6)
EINECS-number :
2565053; 2561525
Uses :
Active ingredient in herbicides.
Vapor pressure, mmHg :
0.0000001  at 20 °C, exact 0.000000098, CAS 43222-48-6, PESREG
Water solubility, mg/l :
76  at 25 °C, CAS 43222-48-6, PESREG
Melting point, °C :
155  155 - 157, CAS 43222-48-6,
Log octanol/water coefficient, log Pow :
0.11  CAS 43222-48-6
Adsorption/desorption :
Strongly absorbed by soil (CAS 43222-48-6) (Pesticide Manual 
Photochemical degradation in soil :
Photolytic demethylation occurs readily, giving monomethyl
pyrazole (CAS 43222-48-6) (Pesticide Manual 1994).
Photochemical degradation in water :
Photolytic demethylation occurs readily, giving monomethyl
pyrazole (CAS 43222-48-6) (Pesticide Manual 1994).
Total degradation in soil :
Degradation in soil, half-life c. 3 months (CAS 43222-48-6).

No significant microbial degradation occurs (Pesticide Manual 
LD50 values to mammals in oral exposure, mg/kg :
270  RTECS 1994
Other information of birds :
LC50, 4640 mg/kg, 8 days, Coturnix coturnix, as difenzoquat
Effects on invertebrates :
LD50, >246 mg/kg, 14 days, Eisenia foetida, as difenzoquat
Effects on bees :
LD50, 36.2 µg/bee, honey bee, relatively non-toxic as
difenzoquat (PESREG).
EC50 values to algae, mg/l :
0.29  72hr, Scenedesmus subspicatus, CAS 49866-87-7
0.4  72hr, Scenedesmus subspicatus, CAS 43222-48-6
EC50 values to crustaceans, mg/l :
2.6  48hr, Daphnia magna, CAS 49866-87-7, PESREG
LC50 values to fishes, mg/l :
696  96hr, Lepomis macrochirus
694  96hr, Salmo gairdneri
  Pesticide Manual 1983
694  96hr, Salmo gairdneri, CAS 49866-87-7, PESREG
21.9  48hr, Cyprinidae, CAS 43222-48-6, ASTER 1994

70Anon. 1983c. Pesticide Manual. Worthing, C.R. (toim.) A world compedium. The British Crop Biotection Council. London. 7 th edition.
3109ASTER 1993 -. Assessment Tool for the Evaluation of Risk (including the AQUIRE database). USEPA, Environmental Research Laboratory.
2779PESREG. Application for registration of pesticides accepted by the Pesticide Commission, National Board of Waters and the Environment, Chemical Control Unit.
3115RTECS Database 1992 -. Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances. National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, USA. TOMES Plus CD-ROM.
3252The Pesticide Manual 1994. Tomlin, C. (ed.), 10th edition. British Crop Protection Council. The Royal Society of Chemistry. The Pesticide Manual 1994. Tomlin, C. (ed.), 10th edition. British Crop Protection Council. The Royal Society of Chemistry.

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