Data bank of environmental chemicals     |     The Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE)


Data bank of environmental properties of chemicals

n-butyric acid
CAS-number :
Synonyms :
ethylacetic acid
n-butanoic acid
Sumformula of the chemical :
EINECS-number :
State and appearance :
Colourless liquid.
Odor :
Molecular weight :
Spesicif gravity (water=1) :
0.959  at 20/4 °C
Vapor density (air=1) :
Conversion factor, 1 ppm in air=_mg/m3 :
3.66  mg/m3
Conversion factor, 1 mg/m3 in air=_ppm :
0.27  ppm
Vapor pressure, mmHg :
0.43  at 20 °C
1.4  at 30 °C
Water solubility, mg/l :
56200  at - 1.1 °C
Melting point, °C :
-5.5  - 5.5/- 8 °C
Boiling point, °C :
163.7  at 757 mm
pKa :
Log octanol/water coefficient, log Pow :
0.79  Sangster 1989
LD50 values to mammals in oral exposure, mg/kg :
2900  2900 - 3800, orl-rat, Patty 1967
Effects on microorganisms :
Toxicity threshold (cell multiplication inhibition test):
bacteria (Pseudomonas putida): 875 mg/l
(Bringmann & Kühn 1980).
LOEC values to algae, mg/l :
318  rpd, schr, Microcystis aeruginosa
  Bringmann & Kühn 1976
LC50 values to crustaceans, mg/l :
61  48hr, Daphnia magna
  Dowden & Bennett 1965
Other information of water organisms :
Toxicity threshold (cell multiplication inhibition test):
algae (Microcystis aeruginosa): 318 mg/l
(Bringmann & Kühn 1976)
green algae (Scenedesmus quadricauda): 2600 mg/l
protozoa (Entosiphon sulcatum): 26 mg/l
protozoa (Uronema parduczi): 129 mg/l
(Bringmann & Kühn 1980).

Algae: Chlorella pyrenoidosa: toxic: 340 mg/l (Jones 1971).
Scenedesmus: toxic: 200 mg/l (Meinck et al. 1970).

Vorticella campanula: toxic: 10 mg/l (Meinck et al. 1970)
Paramaecium caudatum: toxic: 250 mg/l

Arthropoda: Daphnia: toxic: 60 mg/l (Meinck et al. 1970)
Mollusca: Limnea ovata: toxic: 50 mg/l

187Bringmann, G. & Kühn, R. 1976. Vergleichende Befunde der Schadwirkung wassergefährdender Stoffe gegen Bakterien (Pseudomonas putida) und Blaualgen (Microcystis aeruginosa). Gwf-Wasser-Abwasser 117(9).
188Bringmann, G. & Kühn, R. 1980a. Comparison of the toxicity thresholds of water pollutants to bacteria, algae and protozoa in the cell multiplication inhibition test. Water Res. 14: 231 - 241.
189Bringmann, G. & Kühn, R. 1980b. Bestimmung der biologischen Schadwirkung wassergefahrdender Stoffe gegen Protozoen. II. Bakterienfressende Ciliaten, Z. Wasser/Abwasser Forsch. 1: 26 - 31.
355Dowden, B.F. & Bennett, H.J. 1965. J. Wat. Poll. Contr. Fed. 37(9): 1310.
675Jones, H.R. 1971. Environmental control in the organic and petrochemical industries. Noyes Data Corporation 1971.
950Meinck, F., Stoof, H. & Kohlschutter, H. 1970. Les eaux residuaires industrielles.
1644Patty, F.A. 1967. Industrial hygiene and toxicology. Vol 2. Interscience Publishers.
3104Sangster, J. 1989. Octanol-water partition coefficients of simple organic compounds. J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Vol 18, No. 3: 1111 - 1229.
1468Verschueren, K. 1983. Handbook of environmental data of organic chemicals. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co. Inc., New York. 1310 s.

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