Data bank of environmental chemicals     |     The Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE)


Data bank of environmental properties of chemicals

CAS-number :
Synonyms :
chromium(VI) ion.
Sumformula of the chemical :
Molecular weight :
Mobility :
Chromium is normally in three (as kation) or six (as anion)
valent forms in soil and water. 
In soil Cr3+ is precipitated
even in acid environment (pH 5,5). 
CrVI compounds are unstable
both in acid and alkaline soils. 
With precense of organic
matter CrVI reduces to Cr3+ (Kabata-Pendias & Pendias 1984).

In water CrVI is often dominating the soluble fraction as well in
oceans and in running water. 
Cr3+ dominates when organic
matter is available. 
CrVI is therefore rare in municipal
effluents (Balsberg-Påhlsson et al. 1982).
Metabolism in mammals :
Metabolism in mammals is not quite clear (USEPA 1985).

Experiments with animals has shown that that Cr3+ salts are not
easily absorped in oral intake. 
Excretes mostly with urine
(Kraintz & Talmage 1952).
Other information of bioaccumulation :
Cr in fish concentrates in gills, kidneys, liver, gall and
spleen (Balsberg-Påhlsson et al. 1982).

CrVI is taken up easier than Cr3+. 
In cells CrVI is reduced to
Cr3+ (Taylor et al. 1979).

Cr taken up with food is more important than Cr taken up with
water to all aquatic animals except crustacean and fry.

Accumulation decreases with growing trophic level (Baptist &
Lewis 1969).
LD50 values to mammals in oral exposure, mg/kg :
19.8  orl-rat, CrVI, NIOSH 1983
Other information of mammals :
CrVI has most extended harmful effects. 
Exposure at low levels
in mammals has induced effects in respiratory tract, such as
bronchitis, pneumonia and tumours (WHO 1988).

Rat, inhalation 28 d / 90 d, changes in lungs: 0.006 - 0.2
mg/m3 (Glaser et al. 1985).
Carcinogenicity :
Cr3+ considered not carcinogenic. 
CrVI salts are carcinogenic
in epidemiologic tests (WHO 1988).

Cr och certain Cr compounds, exposure via inhalation:
Group 1, adequate proof for carcinogenicity to mammals and
humans (IARC 1982); EPA Guidelines - group A, carcinogenic to
humans (USEPA 1986).
Mutagenicity :
Negative for Cr3+ (WHO 1988).

CrVI salts are mutagenic to mammals in vivo and in vitro (WHO
Teratogenicity :
No teratogenic effects in humans have been indicated (WHO 1988).
LC50 values to crustaceans, mg/l :
1.84  96hr, Macrobrachium lamarrei, CrVI
  Murti et al. 1983
0.02  48hr, Daphnia pulex, CrVI
  Dorn et al. 1987
LOEC values to crustaceans, mg/l :
0.0017  14d, Daphnia magna, CrVI
  Elnabarawy et al. 1986
LC50 values to fishes, mg/l :
0.19  28d,Salmo gairdneri, CrVI,
  Birge et al. 1980
200  96hr, Mystus vittatus
  Verma et al. 1982
36.2  96hr, Pimephales promelas,
  Pickering 1980
45.2  96hr, Colisa fasciata,
  Saxena & Parashari 1983
4.4  96hr, Salmo gairdneri, CrVI,
  Steven & Chapman 1989
3.4  96hr, Salmo gairdneri, CrVI,
  van der Putte et al. 1981
0.27  chr, 0.27-2.0, Salmo gairdneri,
USEPA 1980
LOEC values to fishes, mg/l :
0.025  grw, schr, Salmo gairdneri, CrVI,
  Olson & Forster 1956
0.351  srv, grw, chr, Salvelinus fontinalis,
0.34  srv, grw, schr, Salmo gairdneri,
  Benoit et al. 1976
0.044  grw, schr, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha,
  Olson & Forster 1956
3.95  srv, grw, chr, Pimephales promelas,
  Pickering 1980
NOEC values to fishes, mg/l :
0.021  grw, schr, Salmo gairdneri
  Olson & Forster 1956
0.2  srv, grw, schr, Salmo gairdneri
  Benoit et al. 1976
0.022  grw, schr, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha
  Olson & Forster 1956
srv, grw, chr, Pimephales promelas
  Pickering 1980
Effects on physiology of water organisms :
Selenastrum capricornutum; 0.020 mg/l, 0.17d, pht (Pillard et al.
Other information of water organisms :
LOEC 0.5 mg/l, his, schr, Palaemonetes pugio
                         (Doughtie & Rao 1984).

Chlorella pyrenoidosa, effects on growth, 0.05 mg/l (CrVI)
(Frey et al. 1983).

Neanthes arenaceodentata, rpd, 350 days, < 0.012 mg/l CrVI
(Mearns et al. 1976).

Daphnia, rpd, 0.01 mg/l, CrVI (EIFAC 1983).

2814Babtist, J.P. & Lewis, C.W. 1969. Transfer of Zn-65 and Cr-51 through an estuarine food chain. Symposium of radioecology: 420 - 425.
2812Bahlsberg-Påhlsson, A.-M., Lithner, G. & Tyler, G. 1982. Krom i miljön. SNV PM 1570.
134Benoit, D.A., Leonard, E.N., Christensen G.M. & Hunt, E.P. 1976. Toxic effects of cadmium on three generations of brook trout. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 4: 550 - 560.
149Birge, W.J. et al. 1980. Aquatic toxicity tests on inorganic elements occuring in oil shale. EPA 600/9-80-022. NTIS, Dep. of Commerce, Springfield, Va.
2061Dorn, P.B. et al. 1987. Hexavalent chromium as a reference toxicant in effluent toxicity tests. Environ. Toxicol. Chem 6: 435.
353Doughtie, D.G. & Rao, K.R. 1984. Histopathological and ultrastructural changes in the antennal gland, midgut, hepatopancreas and gill of grass shrimp (Palaemonetes pugio) following exposure to hexavalent chromium. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 43 (1).
2822EIFAC 1983. Water Quality criteria for european freshwater fish. Report on chromium and freshwater fish. Rome, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, European Inland Fisheries Advisory commission, Working Party on Water Quality Criteria for European Freshwater Fish, 31 pp. (EIFAC Technical Paper No. 43)
2742Elnabarawy, M.T., Welter, A.N. & Robideau, R.R. 1986. Relative sensitivity of three daphnid species to selected organic and inorganic chemicals. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 5: 393 - 398.
2819Frey, B.E., Riedel, G.F., Bass, A.E. & Small, L.F. 1983. Sensitivity of estuarine phytoplankton to hexavalent chromium. Estuarine, Coastal Shelf Sci. 17(2): 181 - 187.
2817Glaser, U., Hochrainer, D., Kloppel, H. & Kuhnen, H. 1985. Low-level chromium VI inhalation effects on alveolar macrophages and immune functions in Wistar rats. Arch. Toxicol. 57: 250 - 256.
2727IARC 1982. International Agency for Research on Cancer. IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Humans, Suppl. 4: 133 - 135.
2541Kabata-Pendias, A. & Pendias, H. 1984. Trace elements in soils and plants. CRC Press, Inc. Boca Raton, Florida.
2816Kraintz, L. & Talmage, R.V. 1952. Distribution of radioactivity following intravenous administration of trivalent chromium-51 in the rat and rabbit. Pric. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 81: 490 - 492.
1763Martin, T.R. & Holdich, D.M. 1986. The acute lethal toxicity of heavy metals to peracarid crustaceans (with particular reference to fresh-water asellids and gammarids). Water Res. 20(9): 1137 - 1147.
2821Mearns, A.J., Oshida, P.S., Sherwood, M.J., Young, D.R. & Reish, D.J. 1976. Chromium effects on coastal organisms. Journal WPCF 48(8):1929 - 1939.
1002Murti, R. et al. 1983. Chromium toxicity to a freshwater prawn Macrobrachium lamarrei (Edwards). Toxicol. Lett. 18: 257.
2827NIOSH 1983. Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances (RTECS), Vol. 2. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), Washington, D.C.
1086Olson, P.A. & Foster, R.F. 1956. Effect of chronic exposure to sodium dichromate on young chinook salmon and rainbow trout. Battelle Pacific NW Lab., Richland, WA, Report HW-41500, pp. 35 - 47.
2824Olsson, P.A. & Foster, R.F. 1956. Effect of chronic exposure to sodium dichromate on young chinook salmon and rainbow trout. Battelle Pacidic NW Lab., Richland, WA, Report HW-41500, pp. 35 - 47.
1126Pickering, Q.H. 1980. Chronic toxicity of hexavalent chromium to the fathead minnow. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 9: 405 - 413.
1972Pillard, D.A. et al. 1987. Hexavalent chromium effects on carbon assimilation in Selenastrum capricornutum. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 38: 715.
2820Putte, I. van der, Lubbers, J. & Kolar, Z. 1981. Effect of pH on uptake, tissue distribution and retention of hexavalent chromium in raibow trout (Salmo gairdneri). Aquat. Toxicol. 1(1): 3 - 18.
1235Saxena, O.P. & Parashari, A. 1983. Comparative study of the toxicity of six heavy metals to Channa punctatus. J. Environ. Biol. 4: 91.
1373Stevens, D.G. & Chapman, G.A. 1984. Toxicity of trivalent chromium to early life stages of steelhead trout. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 3(1): 125 - 133.
2813Taylor, M.C., Reeder, S.W. & Demayo, A. 1979. Guidelines for Surface Water Quality, I. Inorganic Chemical Substances. Chromium. Inland Waters Directorate, Water Quality Branch, Ottawa, Canada.
2823USEPA 1980. Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Chromium. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, EPA 440/5-80-035.
2815USEPA 1985. Health Effects Criteria Document for Chromium. USEPA Criteria and Standards Dividion (CSD), Office of Drinking Water (ODW), Washington, D.C.
2744USEPA 1986a. Guidelines for carcinogen risk assessment. Fed. Reg. 51(185): 33992 - 34003, September 24.
1466Verma, S.R. et al. 1982a. Bioassay trials with 23 pesticides to a freshwater teleost, Saccobranchus fossilis. Water Res. 16: 525.
1467Verma, S.R. et al. 1982b. A laboratory study to assess separate and in-combination effects of zinc, chromium and nickel to the fish. Mystus vittatus. Acta Hydrochim. Hydrobiol. 10: 23.
2577WHO 1988. Chromium, Environmental Health Criteria 61, WHO, Geneva.

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