Data bank of environmental chemicals     |     The Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE)


Data bank of environmental properties of chemicals

CAS-number :
Synonyms :
vinyl chloride.
Sumformula of the chemical :
EINECS-number :
State and appearance :
Colourless gas or liquid
Odor :
Ethereal odor. 
Sweet odor. 
Pleasant odor at high 
concentrations (HSDB 2001).
Molecular weight :
Spesicif gravity (water=1) :
0.91  at 20 °C
0.97  at -14 °C, OVA 1999
Conversion factor, 1 ppm in air=_mg/m3 :
2.59  OVA 1999
Conversion factor, 1 mg/m3 in air=_ppm :
0.39  OVA 1999
Vapor pressure, mmHg :
2660  25 °C, Riddick et al. 1986
2500  20 °C, OVA 1999
Water solubility, mg/l :
1100  25°C
2763  25°C, Horvath 1982
1100  20 - 25 °C, IUCLID 2000
2700  HSDB 2001
Melting point, °C :
-153  -153/-160
Boiling point, °C :
Log octanol/water coefficient, log Pow :
1.38  calc., Hansch & Leo 1985
0.6  calc., HSDB 2001
1.36  IUCLID 2000
Henry's law constant, Pa x m3/mol :
1084  Hine & Mookerjee 1975
120000  OVA 1999
5674  HSDB 2001
1470  at 10.3 °C
1930  at 17.5 °C
2780  at 24.8 °C
3580  at 34.6 °C
  IUCLID 2001
Volatilization :
Based on Henry's Law constant, a half-life of 0.805 hr was
calculated for evaporation from a river 1 m deep with a current
of 3 m/sec and with a wind velocity of 3 m/sec (Lyman et al. 

Due to high Henry's Law constant and high vapor pressure,
volatilization from soil would be rapid; half-lives of 0.2 and
0.5 days were reported for volatilization from soil at 1 and
10 cm incorporation, respectively (Jury et al. 1984).

According to rough estmates, the half-lives for the evaporation
of vinyl chloride from wate bodies is given as follows:
Pond: t1/2 = 43.8 hr
Lake: t1/2 = 32.7 hr
River: t1/2 = 4.7 hr
(IUCLID 2001)
Adsorption/desorption :
A Koc of 0.40 was reported in "standard soil" (Jury et al. 1984)

Based on the reported water solubility, a Koc of 56 was
estimated (Lyman et al. 1982).
Mobility :
Based on the reported and estimated Koc values, vinyl chloride
will be expected to be highly to very highly mobile in soil
(Swann et al. 1983).
Photochemical degradation in air :
Gas phase vinyl chloride is expected to degrade rapidly in air
by reaction with photochemically produced hydroxyl radicals
with an estimated half-life of 1.5 days (Perry et al. 1977).

Products of reaction in the atmosphere include
chloroacetaldehyde, HCl, chloroethylene epoxide, formaldehyde,
formyl chloride, formic acid and carbon monoxide
(Muller & Korte 1977).

In the presence of nitrogen oxides the reactivity of vinyl
chloride is higher with a half-life of 3 - 7 hours
(Howard 1989).

Photooxidation half-life in air:
9.7hr - 97hr,
based upon measured rate constant for reaction with hydroxyl
radicals in air (Howard 1991).
Photochemical degradation in water :
In water no photodegradation was observed in 90 hours; however,
degradation is rapid in the presence of sensitizers, such as
might be the case in humic waters, or free radicalsas might be
found in PVC manufacturing effluent streams (Callahan et 
al. 1979).

Photooxidation half-life in air 9.7hr - 97hr, based upon
measured rate constant for reaction with hydroxyl radicals
in air (Howard 1991).
Hydrolysis in water :
Hydrolysis will not be a significant loss process (Mabey et al. 
Half-life in air, days :
0.4  9.7hr - 97hr,
based upon photooxidation half-life in air,
  Howard 1991
Half-life in soil, days :
28  4w - 6mo,
180  scientific judgement based upon estimated
  unacclimated aqueous aerobic biodegradation
  Howard 1991
Half-life in water, days :
28  4w - 6mo,
180  in surface water, scientific judgement based upon
  estimated uancclimated aqueous aerobic biodegradation
56  8w - 95mo,
2850  in ground water, scientific judgement based upon
  estimated unacclimated aqueous aerobic
  biodegradation of vinyl chroride from a ground
  water field study of chlorinated ethenes,
  Howard 1991
Anaerobic degradation in soil :
Vinyl chloride was approx 50% (20%) and 100% (55%) degraded in 4
and 11 weeks, respectively, in the presence (absence) of sand by
methanogenic microorganisms under anaerobic conditions in
laboratory scale experiments (Brauch et al. 1987).
Aerobic degradation in water :
Aerobic half-life:
4w - 6mo, scientific judgement based upon aqueous screening
test data (Howard 1991).
Anaerobic degradation in water :
Anaerobic half-life:
16w - 24mo, scientific judgement based upon estimated
unacclimated aqueous aerobic biodegradation half-life
(Howard 1991).
Total degradation in soil :
Vinyl chloride is readily metabolized by a soil Pseudomonas sp.
in resting cell suspensions. 
This process mechanism was
established to include a dehalogenation step that entails a
direct hydoxylation of the C-Cl pond producing acetaldehyde.

This product is further oxidized to hydrooxyacetic acid then to
carbon dioxide. 
The half-life for dechlorination, with cells
grown on 3-chloropropanol, was 1.3 hours at a cell dencity of
0.1 g/mL (HAZARDTEXT 2001).
Total degradation in water :
type: aerobic
inoculum: activated sludge, adapted
concentration: 0.05 mg/l
degradation: 21.5 % after 5 day
(IUCLID 2000).

type: anaerobic
inoculum: groundwater bacteria
concentration: 400 µg/l realted to test substance
test condition: 20 °C, darkness
remark: half-life 4 - 10 weeks
(IUCLID 2000)
Other information of degradation :
Tetrachloroehhylene (PCE) can be transformed by reductive 
dehalogenation to trichloroethylene (TCE), dichloroethylene, 
vinyl chloride (VC) under aerobic conditions. 
In addition 
14C-PCE was at least pertilly mineralized to CO2 (24 % in a 
continuous flow fixed-film methanogenic column with a liquid 
detention time of 4 days: uder different methanogenic 
conditions nearly quantitative conversion of PCE to VC was 
observed) (IUCLID 2000).
Other information of bioaccumulation :
Based on the reported water solubility, a BCF of 7 was
estimated (Lyman et al. 1982).

Based on the estimated BCF, vinyl chloride will not be expected
to significantly bioconcentrate in aquatic organisms (Ly et al. 

Bioaccumulation was studied by application of 14C-labelled
vinyl chloride to algae (Chlorella fusca var. vacuolata), fish
(Leuciscus idus) and activated sludge from a municipal sewage
treatment plant. 
The following bioaccumulation factors (BFn)
were reported:
Activated sludge: BFn = 1,100 (n = 5 days)
Algae: BFn = 40 (n = 1 day)
Fish: BFn = <10 (n = 3 days)
(IUCLID 2000).
LD50 values to mammals in oral exposure, mg/kg :
500  orl-rat, Lewis & Sweet 1984
LCLo values to mammals in inhalation exposure, ppm :
20  30 min, ihl-gpg, Lewis & Sweet 1984
LC50 values to fishes, mg/l :
356  48 hr, Leuciscus idus melanotus
210  96 hr, Brachydanio rerio, OECD Guide-line 203
  IUCLID 2000
NOEC values to fishes, mg/l :
128  96 hr, Brachydanio rerio, IUCLID 2000

3044Brauch, H. J. et al. 1987. Vom Wasser 68: 23 - 32.
2609Callahan, M. A., Slimak, M. W., Gabel N. W:, May, I. P., Fowler, C. F., Freed, J. R.,Jennings, P., Durfee, R. L., Whitmore, F. C., Maestri, B., Mabey, M. R., Holt, B. R. and Gould, C. 1979. Waterrelated environmental fate of 129 priority pollutants. Vol II. Halogenated aliphatic hydrocarbons, halogenated ethers, monocyclic aromatics, phthalate esters, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, nitrosamines and miscellenious compounds. EPA - 440/4 - 79 -029b.
2958Hansch, C and Leo, A. J. 1985. Medchem Project Issue No 26. Claremont C.A. Pomona College.
3338HAZARDTEXT Database. 1998 -. Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Information. American Association of Railroads, National Fire Protection Association, Department of Transportation, Environmental Protection Agency and Occupational Safely & Health Administration. TOMES Plus CD-ROM.
3045Hine, J. & Mookerjee, P. K. 1975. J. Org. Chem. 40: 292 - 298.
3023Horvath, A. L. 1982. Halogenated Hydrocarbons: Solubility - Miscibility with Water. New York, N. Y.: Marcel Dekker, Ins. pp 889.
3047Howard, P. H. 1989. Handbook of Environmental Fate and Exposure Data for Organic Chemicals. Vol. I: Large Production and Priority Pollutants. Lewis Publishers, Inc. Chelsea. pp 574.
3120Howard, P.H., Boethling, R.S., Jarvis, W.F., Meylan, W.M. & Michalenko, E.M., Handbook of Environmental Degradation Rates, 1991. Lewis Publicers, Inc., Chelsea, Michigan, U.S.A., pp. 725.
3114HSDB Database 1992 -. Hazardous Substances Data Bank. US. National Library of Medicine. TOMES Plus CD-ROM.
3253IUCLID 1995 -. International Uniform Chemical Information Database. European Commission. European Chemicals Bureau. Existing Chemicals. Ispra, Italy.
3046Jury, W. A. et al. 1984. J. Environ. Qual. 13: 573 - 579.
1589Lewis, R.J. & Sweet, D.V. 1984. Registry of toxic effects of chemical substances. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. No. 83-107-4.
3048Lu, P. Y. et al. 1977. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 9: 1042 - 1048.
2960Lyman, W. J. et al. 1982. Handbook of Chemical Property Estimation Methods. Environmental behavior of organic compounds. McGraw-Hill New York.
3049Muller, J. P. H. & Korte, F. 1977. Chemosphere 6: 341 - 346.
3340OVA 1999. The safety instructions for some hazardous chemicals. (available in Finnish)/Onnettomuuden vaaraa aiheuttavat aineet -turvallisuusohjeet (OVA-ohjeet). Työterveyslaitos (Finnish Institute of Occupational Health),Työsuojelurahasto (The Finnish Work Environment Fund). Helsinki. Finland.
3050Perry, R. A. et al. 1977. J. Chem. Phys. 67: 458 - 462.
1986Shukla, L. & Pandey, A.K. 1986. Restitution of thyroid activity in the DDT Sarotherodon mossambicus: A histological and histochemical profile. Water Air Soil Pollut. 27: 225.
2988Swann, R. L. et al. 1984. Res. Rev. 85: 17 - 28.

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