Data bank of environmental chemicals     |     The Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE)


Data bank of environmental properties of chemicals

CAS-number :
Synonyms :
ethane pentachloride
Sumformula of the chemical :
EINECS-number :
Uses :
Solvent for oil and grease in metal cleaning.
Vapor pressure, mmHg :
3.4  20°C
Melting point, °C :
Boiling point, °C :
161  161 - 162
Log octanol/water coefficient, log Pow :
3.11  LOGKOW 1994
Henry's law constant, Pa x m3/mol :
183.9  calc. Yaws et al. 1991
Bioconcentration factor, fishes :
62  32d, Pimephales promelas, USEPA 1984
67  Lepomis macrochirus, AQUIRE 1994
LDLo values to mammals in oral exposure, mg/kg :
500  orl-dog, Lewis & Sweet 1984
LCLo values to mammals in inhalation exposure, mg/kg :
35  2 hr, ihl-mus, Lewis & Sweet 1984
LCLo values to mammals in inhalation exposure, ppm :
4238  2 hr, ihl-rat, Lewis & Sweet 1984
Carcinogenicity :
NTP carcinogenesis bioassay completed: results positive, mus;
results negative, rat (Lewis & Sweet 1984).
NOEC values to algae, mg/l :
10  10mg/l, 96hr, Selenastrum capricornutum,
  AQUIRE 1994
LC50 values to crustaceans, mg/l :
63  48hr, Daphnia magna, LeBlanc 1980
7.32  48hr, unfed, Daphnia magna
8.02  48hr, fed, Daphnia magna
  USEPA 1984
EC50 values to crustaceans, mg/l :
4.69  48hr, unfed, Daphnia magna
6.88  48hr, fed, Daphnia magna
  USEPA 1984
LC50 values to fishes, mg/l :
7.2  96 hr, Lepomis macrochirus, Buccafusco
  et al. 1981
15  7d, Poelicia reticulata,Könemann 1979
7.3  96hr, Pimephales promelas
  Veith et al. 1983
116  96hr, Cyprinodon variegatus
  Heitmuller et al. 1981
7.34  96hr, flow-through, Pimephales promelas
  USEPA 1984
7.53  96 hr, Pimephales promelas, Geriger et al. 1985
NOEC values to fishes, mg/l :
0.9  0.9 - 1.4, 32d, Pimephales promelas
1.4  USEPA 1984
30  96hr, Cyprinodon variegatus, (mortality)
  AQUIRE 1994

3107AQUIRE 1993 -. Aquatic Toxity Information Retrieval Database. U.S.Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Pesticides and Toxic Substances, Washington, D.C.
207Buccafusco, R.J., Ells, S.J. & LeBlanc, G.A. 1981. Acute toxicity of priority pollutants to bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus). Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 26: 446 - 452.
3296Geiger, D. L. et al. 1985. Acute toxicities of organic chemicals to fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) Vol. 2. Center for Lake Superior Environmental Studies, University of Wisconsin-Superior, Superior, Winconsin, U.S.A. 326.
564Heitmuller, P.T., Hollister, T.A. & Parrish, P.R. 1981. Acute toxicity of 54 industrial chemicals to sheepshead minnows (Cyprinodon variegatus). Bull. Environm. Contam. Toxicol. 27: 596 - 604.
761Könemann, W.H. 1979. Quantitative structure-activity relationships for kinetics and toxicity of aquatic pollutants and their mixtures in fish. Univ. Utrecht, Netherlands.
798LeBlanc, G.A. 1980. Acute toxicity of priority pollutants to water flea (Daphnia magna). Bull. Environm. Contam. Toxicol. 24: 684 - 691.
1589Lewis, R.J. & Sweet, D.V. 1984. Registry of toxic effects of chemical substances. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. No. 83-107-4.
3182LOG KOW 1994. Octanol-water partition coefficient program. Syracure Research Corporation. Chemical Hazard Assessment Division. Environmental Chemistry Center.
2757USEPA 1984. Aquatic toxicity tests to characterize the hazard of volatile organic chemicals in water. A toxicity data summary. Part 1. Report No. EPA-600/3-83-009. NITS No. PB84-141506. (Ed): Ahmad, N. et al. U.S. Environmental protection agency, Duluth, MN 55804.
1456Veith, G.D. et al. 1983. Estimating the acute toxicity of narcotic industrial chemicals to fathead minnows. In: Aquatic toxicology and hazard assessment: sixth symposium. ASTM STP 803. Bishop, W.E. et al. (eds.). Am. Soc. Test. Mater, Philadelphia, Pa, 90.
3030Yaws, C., Yang, H-C. & Pan, X. 1991. Henry's law constants for 362 organic compounds in water. Chemical Engineering. November. p 179 - 185.

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