Data bank of environmental chemicals     |     The Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE)


Data bank of environmental properties of chemicals

CAS-number :
Synonyms :
Sumformula of the chemical :
EINECS-number :
Uses :
Dyes; pigments; anti-oxidants for rubber, fats, oils; synthesis
of fungicides; pharmaceuticals; perfumes.
State and appearance :
colourless leaflets
Molecular weight :
Vapor pressure, mmHg :
Water solubility, mg/l :
740  25°C
Melting point, °C :
123  MITI 1992
Boiling point, °C :
285  285 - 286, MITI 1992
Log octanol/water coefficient, log Pow :
2.7  Sangster 1989
Total degradation in water :
68% by BOD
period: 14d
substance: 100 mg/l
sludge: 30 mg/l
(MITI 1992)
Ready biodegradability :
Confirmed to be biodegradable (Anon. 1987).
LD50 values to mammals in oral exposure, mg/kg :
1960  orl-rat, Lewis & Sweet 1984
LDLo values to mammals in oral exposure, mg/kg :
100  orl-mus, orl-cat, Lewis & Sweet 1984
LD50 values to birds in oral exposure, mg/kg :
100  >100, orl-Agelaius phoeniceus
  Schafer et al. 1983
EC50 values to algae, mg/l :
19  pht, 4 hr, Selenastrum capricornutum
  Millemann et al. 1984
LC50 values to crustaceans, mg/l :
3.5  48 hr, Daphnia magna, Millemann et al.
LC50 values to fishes, mg/l :
0.12  27 d, Salmo gairdneri
3.5  96 hr, Pimephales promelas
  Millemann et al. 1984
0.08  0d, embryo-larval, Salmo gairdneri
0.07  4d, embryo-larval, Salmo gairdneri
6.36  0d, embryo-larval, Micropterus salmoides
1.77  4d, embryo-larval, Micropterus salmoides
  Black et al. 1983

1848Anon. 1987a. The list of the existing chemical substances tested on biodegradability by microorganisms or bioaccumulation in fish body by Chemicals Inspection & Testing Institute. Ministry of International Trade and Industry, MITI. Japan.
2752Black, A. J., Birge, W. J., Westerman, A. G. and Francis, P. C. 1983. Comparative aquatic toxicology of aromatic hydrocarbons. Fundamental and applied toxicology 3: 353 - 358.
1589Lewis, R.J. & Sweet, D.V. 1984. Registry of toxic effects of chemical substances. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. No. 83-107-4.
967Millemann, R.E., Birge, W.J., Black, J.A., Cushman, R.M., McCarthy, J.F. & Stewart, A.J. 1984. Comparative acute toxicity to aquatic organisms of coal-derived synthetic fuels. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 113: 74- 85.
3105MITI 1992. Biodegradation and bioaccumulation data of existing chemicals based on the CSCL Japan. Compild under the Safety Division Basic Industries Bureau Ministry of International Trade & Industry, Japan. Edited by Chemicals Inspection & Testing Institute, Japan.
3104Sangster, J. 1989. Octanol-water partition coefficients of simple organic compounds. J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Vol 18, No. 3: 1111 - 1229.
1743Schafer , E.W.Jr., Bowles, W.A.Jr., Hurlbut, J. 1983. The acute oral toxicity, repellency and hazard potential of 993 chemicals to one or more species of wild and domestic birds. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 12: 355 - 382.

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