Data bank of environmental chemicals     |     The Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE)


Data bank of environmental properties of chemicals

Calcium fluoride
CAS-number :
Synonyms :
Sumformula of the chemical :
CaF2 CaF2
EINECS-number :
Uses :
Single pure (99.93 %) crystals of calcium fluoride are also
produced for use in spectroscopy, electronics, lasers, and
hightemperature dry-film lubricants. 
Fluorspar: Principal
source of fluorine and its compounds by way of hydrogen
fluoride, flux in open hearth steel furnaces and in metal
smelting, in ceramics, for synthetic cryolite, in carbon
elctrodes, emery wheels, electric arc welders, certain cements,
dentifrices, phosphors, paint pigment, catalys in wood
preservatives, optical equipment.
State and appearance :
White powder occurring in nature as fluorite (pure form) or
fluorspar (mineral). 
Fluorspar: natural calcium fluoride,
yellow, green or purple crystals.
Melting point, °C :
1350  Fluorspar
Boiling point, °C :
Other physicochemical properties :
Insoluble in water. 
An irritant (Sax & Lewis 1987).
LD50 values to mammals in non-oral exposure , mg/kg :
1500  1500 - 2500, 24 hr, ipr-small rodents
2500  Hodge & Smith 1965
Other information :
Fluorspar: occurence: US, Canada, Europe, Mexico (Sax & Lewis

2285Anon. 1989. Miljöfarliga ämnen - exempellista och vetenskaplig dokumentation. 303 p. Stockholm. Rapport från kemikalieinspektionen (KEMI) 10.
2699Hodge, H.C. & Smith, F.A. 1965. Fluorine Chemistry, Vol. IV. Academic Press Inc., New York and London.
2522Sax, N.I. & Lewis, R.J.Sr. 1987. Hawley's condensed chemical dictionary. Eleventh edition. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company. New York. pp. 1288.
2688US Bureau of Mines 1980. Mineral industry surveys. Fluorspar in 1979. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Washington, D.C.
2690USEPA 1980g. Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the iron and steel manufacturing. EPA 440/1-80/024-6.

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