Data bank of environmental chemicals     |     The Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE)


Data bank of environmental properties of chemicals

CAS-number :
Synonyms :
Urea, N'-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-N,N-dimethyl-
Sumformula of the chemical :
EINECS-number :
Uses :
Molecular weight :
Vapor pressure, mmHg :
0.0000031  50°C
Water solubility, mg/l :
42  25°C
34  MITI 1992
Melting point, °C :
158  158 - 159
156  156-158, MITI 1992
Log octanol/water coefficient, log Pow :
2.96  MITI 1992
Log soil sorption coefficient, log Kom :
1.97  Sabljic 1987
Half-life in soil, days :
328  Li et al. 1990
Total degradation in water :
0% by BOD
period: 28d
substance: 100 mg/l
sludge: 30 mg/l
(MITI 1992)
Bioconcentration factor, fishes :
3.4  3.4 - 4.9, 6w, Cyprinus carpio, conc 0.5 mg/l,
2.9  < 2.9 - 14, 6w, Cyprinus carpio, conc 0.05 mg/l,
14  MITI 1992
LD50 values to mammals in oral exposure, mg/kg :
1017  orl-rat, Lewis & Sweet 1984
LD50 values to mammals in non-oral exposure , mg/kg :
3400  unk-rat, Lewis & Sweet 1984
Effects on anthropods :
LC50 1.2 mg/l, 96hr, mosquito (Knapek & Lakola 1974).
Effects on plants :
Germinated and fungicide-treated barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
seeds were sown to sandy loam soil -> first significant
depression of top growth occurred at 0.4 kg diuron/ha. 
This was
associated with some toxicity symptoms such as paleing and
leaf-tip dieback (Toth & Milham 1975).

Germinated seedlings of pea (Pisum sativum) and barley (Hordeum
vulgare) were grown in diuron-treated silica sand: 160 ppm
diuron (in mg active material per litre solution; 12 ml of the
solution was added to 225 g dry sand) caused 50 % root
inhibition over 72 hr (O'Sullivan & Prendeville 1974).
EC50 values to algae, mg/l :
0.01  10 d, pht, Dunaliella terticulata
  Isochyris galbana
  Phaeodactylum tricornutum, Walsh 1972
LC50 values to crustaceans, mg/l :
0.16  96hr, Gammarus lacustris,Sanders 1969
1.4  48hr, Daphnia pulex,Sanders & Cope 196
1.4  24hr, Daphnia magna,Frear & Boyud 1967
0.4  96hr, Daphnia magna,Knapek & Lakola 1974
40  act, Daphnia pulex
  Nishiuchi & Hashimoto 1967
47  act, Daphnia magna, Kenaga 1979
LC50 values to fishes, mg/l :
16  48hr, Oncorhynchus kisutch
  Bond et al. 1960
7.4  48hr, Lepomis macrochirus
4.3  48hr, Salmo gairdneri, Edwards 1977
2.9  96hr, Cyprinus carpio
  Knapek & Lakola 1974
3.2  48hr, Cyprinus carpio
  Nishiuchi & Hashimoto 1967
5.9  act, Lepomis macrochirus,Kenaga 1979
3 - 60, act, Salmo gairdneri
23.3  1d, Pimephales promelas
7.7  8d, Pimephales promelas
  Call et al. 1987
100  >100, 48hr, Oryzias latipes, MITI 1992
14.2  96 hr, Pimephales promelas, Geiger et al. 1986
EC50 values to fishes, mg/l :
14.2  96 hr, Pimephales promelas, Geiger et al. 1986
Other information of water organisms :
Aquatic community; EC50, 4 d, 2.205 mg/l (Flum & Shannon 1987).

174Bond, C.E., Lewis, R.H. & Fryer, J.L. 1960. Toxicity of various herbicidal materials to fish. Second seminar on biological problems in water pollution, R.A. Taft San. Eng. Cen. Tech. Rept. W603: 96 - 101.
1930Call, D.J. et al. 1987. Bromacil and diuron herbicides: toxicity, uptake, and elimination in freshwater fish. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 16: 607.
377Edwards, C.A. 1977. Nature and origins of pollution of aquatic systems by pesticides. In: Pesticides in Aquatic Environments. M.A. Q. Khan, (ed.) Plenum Press, N.Y.
2002Flum, T.F. & Shannon, L.J. 1987. The effects of three related amides on microecosystem stability. Ecotoxical. Environ. Saf. 13: 239.
447Frear, D.E.H. & Boyd, J.E. 1967. Use of Daphnia magna for microbioassay of pesticides, I.J.Econom. Entomol. 60: 1228 - 1238.
3294Geiger, D. L. et al. 1986. Acute toxicities of organic chemicals to fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) Vol. 3. Center for Lake Superior Environmental Studies, University of Wisconsin-Superior, Superior, Wisconsin, U.S.A., 328.
705Kenaga, E.E. 1979. Acute and chronic toxicity of 75 pesticides to various animal species. Down to earth 35(2): 25 - 31.
730Knapek, R. & Lakola, S. 1974. Einige Untersuchung der toxischen Wirkung von Pestiziden im Wasser. Tag.-Ber., Akad Landwirtsch. Wiss. DDR, Berlin 126: 105 - 109.
1589Lewis, R.J. & Sweet, D.V. 1984. Registry of toxic effects of chemical substances. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. No. 83-107-4.
2450Li, W.,Merrill, D. E. & Haith, A. 1990. Loading functions for pesticide runoff. Research Journal WPCF, 62(1): pp. 16 - 26.
3105MITI 1992. Biodegradation and bioaccumulation data of existing chemicals based on the CSCL Japan. Compild under the Safety Division Basic Industries Bureau Ministry of International Trade & Industry, Japan. Edited by Chemicals Inspection & Testing Institute, Japan.
1053Nishiuchi, Y. & Hashimoto, Y. 1967. Toxicity of pesticide ingredients to some fresh water organisms. Botyu-Kagaku 32: 5-11.
1740O'Sullivan, P.A. & Prendeville, G.N. 1977. Studies on the rate of root growth of intact seedlings in a herbicide medium. Weed Research 14(6): 345 - 348.
1973Pilli.A., Carle, D.O., Kline. E., Pickering. Q. & Lazorchak. J. 1988. Effets of pollution on freshwater organisms. JWPCF 60(6): 994 - 1065.
2324Sabljic, A. 1987. On the prediction of soil sorption coefficients of organic pollutants from molecular structure: application of molecular topology model. Environ. Sci. Technol. 21: 358 - 366.
1225Sanders, H.O. & Cope, O.B. 1966. Toxicities of several pesticides to two species of cladocerans. Trans. Am. Fish Soc. 95: 165 - 169.
1221Sanders, H.O. 1969. Toxicity of pesticides to the Crustacean, Gammarus lacustris. Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife technical paper 25, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.
1747Toth, J. & Milham, P.J. 1975. Activated carbon and ash-carbon effects on the adsorption and phytotoxicity of diuron. Weed Research 15(3): 171 - 176.
1500Walsh, G.E. 1972. Effects of herbicides on photosynthesis and growth of marine unicellular algae. Hyacinth Control J. 10: 45 - 48.

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