Data bank of environmental chemicals     |     The Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE)


Data bank of environmental properties of chemicals

Chloromethyl methyl ether
CAS-number :
Synonyms :
Sumformula of the chemical :
EINECS-number :
Known impurities :
dichloromethylether * 1-8 %
Uses :
Manufacturing irritant gases (lacrymators); chloromethylating
agent; intermediate
State and appearance :
colourless liquid
Molecular weight :
Spesicif gravity (water=1) :
1.0625  10/4°C
Conversion factor, 1 ppm in air=_mg/m3 :
3.29  mg/m3
Conversion factor, 1 mg/m3 in air=_ppm :
0.304  ppm
Melting point, °C :
-103.5  MITI 1992
Boiling point, °C :
59.5  MITI 1992
Other physicochemical properties :
Miscible with ethanol, ether, acetone and chloroform.
Photochemical degradation in air :
Photooxidation half-life in air:
9.5d - 22.7hr, scientific judgement based upon estimated rate 
constant for reaction with hydroxyl radical (Howard 1991).
Hydrolysis in water :
Hydrolyses very fast with half-life < 1 sec.; extrapolated to
pure water (Verschueren 1983).

Reaction: ClCH2-O-CH3 + H2O --> CH3OH + HCl + CH2O (Fishbein

First-order hydrolysis half-life:
1.98min - 39s, high t1/2: scientific judgement based upon 
measured neutral hydrolysis rate constants, low t1/2: scientifc 
judgemen based upon measured neutral rate constant for 
bis(chloromethyl) ether (Howard 1991).
Half-life in air, days :
9.5  9.5d - 22.7hr,
0.9458  scientific judgement based upon estimated photooxication halflife in air.
  Howard 1991
Half-life in soil, days :
0.00137  1.98min - 39s,
0.00045  high t1/2: scientific judgement based upon measured neutral hydrolysis rate constants, low t1/2: scientific judgement based upon measured neutral rae constant for bis(chloromethyl) ether.
  Howard 1991
Half-life in water, days :
0.00137  1.98min - 39s,
0.00045  in surface water: high t1/2: scientific judgement based upon measured neutral hydrolysis rate constants, low t1/2: scientific judgement based upon measured neutral rate constant for bis(chloromethyl) ether.
0.00137  1.98min - 39s,
0.00045  in ground water: hight1/2: scientific judgement based upon measured neutral hydrolysis rate constants, low t1/2: scientific judgement based upon measured neutral rate constant for bis(chloromethyl) ether.
  Howard 1991
Aerobic degradation in water :
Aerobic half-life:
4w - 7d, scientific judgement (Howard 1991).
Anaerobic degradation in water :
Anaerobic half-life:
16w - 28d, scientific judgement based upon estimated 
unacclimated aerobic aqueous biodegradation half-life (Howard 
Total degradation in water :
33, 67, 76% by BOD
period 28d
substance: 100 mg/l
sludge: 30 mg/l

80, 80, 83% by TOC
period 28d
substance: 100 mg/l
sludge: 30 mg/l
(MITI 1992)
Ready biodegradability :
Confirmed to be biodegradable (Anon. 1987).
LD50 values to mammals in oral exposure, mg/kg :
500  orl-rat, Verschueren 1983
Other information of mammals :
Rat: inhalation: dangerous: 2000 ppm, 30 min
                             100 ppm, >4 hr
     oral dose : survival :    0.3 g/kg
                 death    :    1.0 g/kg
Carcinogenicity :
Man: carcinogenic because the technical grade contains
dichloromethylethers which are carcinogenic (Verschueren 1983)

1848Anon. 1987a. The list of the existing chemical substances tested on biodegradability by microorganisms or bioaccumulation in fish body by Chemicals Inspection & Testing Institute. Ministry of International Trade and Industry, MITI. Japan.
2090Fishbein, L. 1979. Potential halogenated industrial carcinogenic and mutagenic chemicals. III: Alkane halides, alkanols and ether. The science of the total environment 11: 223- 257.
3120Howard, P.H., Boethling, R.S., Jarvis, W.F., Meylan, W.M. & Michalenko, E.M., Handbook of Environmental Degradation Rates, 1991. Lewis Publicers, Inc., Chelsea, Michigan, U.S.A., pp. 725.
3105MITI 1992. Biodegradation and bioaccumulation data of existing chemicals based on the CSCL Japan. Compild under the Safety Division Basic Industries Bureau Ministry of International Trade & Industry, Japan. Edited by Chemicals Inspection & Testing Institute, Japan.
1468Verschueren, K. 1983. Handbook of environmental data of organic chemicals. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co. Inc., New York. 1310 s.

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