Data bank of environmental chemicals     |     The Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE)


Data bank of environmental properties of chemicals

CAS-number :
Synonyms :
Sumformula of the chemical :
EINECS-number :
Uses :
Solvent; cleaning solvents.
Molecular weight :
Water solubility, mg/l :
4500  20 °C
500  20 °C, 0.5 - 1.32 g/l
1320  Anon 1986b
4400  4400, MITI 1992
Melting point, °C :
-32  Suntio et al. 1988
Boiling point, °C :
74  Anon 1986b
74  MITI 1992
Log octanol/water coefficient, log Pow :
2.49  Anon 1986b
2.95  Anon 1988
2.17  Schwarzenbach et al. 1983
2.49  Hansch & Leo 1979
2.47  Banerjee et al. 1980
Henry's law constant, Pa x m3/mol :
13000  Anon 1988
2800  exptl., Dilling 1977
1743  exptl., Gossett 1987
Volatilization :
Relative volatility (nBuAc=1) = 7.50
Mobility :
Equilibrium distribution:
         mass %
air     99.98
water    0.02
solid    0.00
(Anon 1988).
Half-life in air, days :
225  225d - 6.2yr,
2263  based upon photooxidation half-life in air,
  Howard 1991
Half-life in soil, days :
140  20w - 39w,
273  scientific judgement based upon estimated
  unacclimated aqueous aerobic biodegradation
  Howard 1991
Half-life in water, days :
140  20w - 30w,
273  in surface water, scientific judgement based upon
  estimated unacclimated aqueous aerobic
  biodegradation half-life,
140  20w - 78w,
546  in ground water, scientific judgement based upon
  estimated unacclimated aqueous aerobic
  biodegradation half-life and sub-soil grab sample
  data from ground water aquifer,
  Howard 1991
Total degradation in water :
0% by BOD
period: 14d
substance: 100 mg/l
sludge: 30 mg/l
(MITI 1992)
Other information of degradation :
Degradation of 1,1,1-trichloroethane:
             mg/l        COND.       °C     %/day    t1/2
biofilm      0.017       methanogen  22        -      15 (1)  a
             0.016       aerobic     22       0/730    -      b
water        0.229       methanogen  35      85/16     6      c
water        0.053       denitrif.   25       0/56   >56      d
biofilm      0.17        denitrif.   23        -    3466 (1)  e
biofilm      0.17        sulfate reducing 23   -    1386 (1)  e
biofilm      0.17        methanogen  23        -       7 (1)  e
water (deion.) 1.0       aerobic     25        -     180      f
soil         0.21        aerobic + natural gas -       0.43   g
water (adapted) 0.171    aerobic             97/11     -      h
water (adapted) 5        aerobic     25      29/7      -      i
water          10        aerobic     25      23/7      -      i
water           5        aerobic     25      83/7      2.7    i
water          10        aerobic     25      75/7      3.5    i
groundwater     1.8      aerobic     20        -   >1022      j
soil            0.765    aerobic + propane    0/25     -      k
soil      0.6 - 0.8      aerobic     17      <3/7      -      l
(1) Biomass concentration set to 0.100 mg/l.
a) Bouwer & McCarty 1985        g) Anon. 1987b
b) Bouwer & McCarty 1982        h) Kästner 1986
c) Bouwer & McCarty 1983a       i) Tabak et al. 1981
d) Bouwer & McCarty 1983b       j) Vogel & McCarty 1987
e) Bouwer & Wright 1987         k) Wilson & White 1986
f) Dilling et al. 1975          l) Wilson et al. 1983
(Anon 1987).
Bioconcentration factor, fishes :
28 d, Lepomis macrochirus, Anon 1986b
0.7  0.7 - 3.0, 6w, Cyprinus carpio, conc 0.3 mg/l
0.9  0.9 - 4.9, 6w, Cyprinus carpio, conc 0.03 mg/l
4.9  MITI 1992
Other information of bioaccumulation :
Confirmed to be non-accumulative or low accumulative (Anon 1987)
LD50 values to mammals in oral exposure, mg/kg :
750  orl-dog
Maximum longterm immission concentration in air for plants,mg/m3 :
30  VDI 2306
Maximum longterm immission concentration in air for plants,ppm :
VDI 2306
Effects on microorganisms :
LC50, Photobacterium phosphoreum, 18,2 mg/l, 5 min;
LC50, Photobacterium phosphoreum, 8,0 mg/l, 5min;
(Anon 1986b).
EC50 values to algae, mg/l :
320  24hr, assimulationstest,
669  96hr, >669 mg/l, Selenastrum
  capricornutum, cellnumber and
  chlorophyll a, Anon 1986b
NOEC values to algae, mg/l :
125  <125mg/l, 96hr, Selenastrum capricornutum,
  AQUIRE 1994
LC50 values to crustaceans, mg/l :
530  > 530, 48hr, Daphnia magna
  LeBlanc 1980
530  48hr, Daphia magna, Anon 1986b
LC50 values to fishes, mg/l :
53  96hr, Pimephales promelas,Könemann 1979
133  7d, Poelicia reticulata
72  96hr, Lepomis macrochirus
  Buccafusco et al. 1981
71  96hr, Cyprinodon variegarus
  Heitmuller et al. 1981
123  48hr, Leuciscus idus melantus
105  Pimephales promelas
52.8  Pimephales promelas
69.7  96hr, Lepomis macrochirus
  Anon 1986b
73  48hr, Oryzias latipes, MITI 1992
52.9  96 hr, Pimephales promelas
42.3  96 hr, Pimephales promelas, Geiger et al. 1986
EC50 values to fishes, mg/l :
52.9  96 hr, mbt, Pimephales promelas
28.8  96 hr, mbt, Pimephales promelas, Geiger et al. 1986
NOEC values to fishes, mg/l :
43  96hr, Cyprinodon variegatus, (morality), AQUIRE 1994

2358Anon 1986b. Beitrag zur Beurteilung von 19 gefährlichen Stoffen in oberirdischen Gewässern. Texte 10. Umweltbundesamt. pp. 163.
2357Anon 1988. Concentrations of industrial organic chemicals measured in the environment: The influence of physico - chemical properties, tonnage and use pattern. Technical report no 29. European chemical industry ecology & toxicology centre, ECETOC. pp. 105.
1848Anon. 1987a. The list of the existing chemical substances tested on biodegradability by microorganisms or bioaccumulation in fish body by Chemicals Inspection & Testing Institute. Ministry of International Trade and Industry, MITI. Japan.
2333Anon. 1987b. Nedbrydelighed af miljøfremmede organiske stoffer. Utredningsrapport U1. Lossepladsprojektet.
3107AQUIRE 1993 -. Aquatic Toxity Information Retrieval Database. U.S.Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Pesticides and Toxic Substances, Washington, D.C.
2605Banerjee, S., Yalkowsky, S. H. and Valvani, S. C. 1980. Environ. Sci. Technol. 14: 1227 - 1229.
2372Bouwer, E.J. & McCarty, P.L. 1982. Removal of trace chlorinated organic compounds by activated carbon and fixed film bacteria. Environ. Sci. & Technol. 16 (2): 836 -843.
2373Bouwer, E.J. & McCarty, P.L. 1983a. Transformation of 1- and 2-carbon halogenated aliphatic organic compunds under methanogenic conditions. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 45 (4): 1286 - 1294.
2370Bouwer, E.J. & McCarty, P.L. 1985. Utilization rates of trace halogenated organic coumpounds in acetate-grown biofilms. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 26: 1564 - 1571.
2375Bouwer, E.J. & Wright, J.P. 1987. Transformation of trace halogenated aliphatics in subsurface microcosms with anoxic biofilms. Submitted to Journal of Contaminant Hydrology.
2374Bouwer. E.J. & McCarty, P.L. 1983b. Transformation of halogenated organic compounds under denitrification conditions. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 45 (4): 1295 - 1299.
207Buccafusco, R.J., Ells, S.J. & LeBlanc, G.A. 1981. Acute toxicity of priority pollutants to bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus). Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 26: 446 - 452.
2088Dilling, W.L. 1977. Interphase transfer processes: evaporation rates of chloromethanes, -ethanes, - ethylenes, -propanes and -propylenes from dilute aqueous solutions. Comparisons with theoretical predictions. Environm. Sci. & Techn. 11(4).
2094Dilling, W.L., Tefertiller, N.B. & Kallos, G.J. 1975. Evaporation rates and reactivities of methylene chloride, chloroform, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, trichloroethylene, tetrachloroethylene, and other chlorinated compounds in dilute aqueous solutions. Environm. Sci. and Techn. 9 (9): 833 - 837.
3294Geiger, D. L. et al. 1986. Acute toxicities of organic chemicals to fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) Vol. 3. Center for Lake Superior Environmental Studies, University of Wisconsin-Superior, Superior, Wisconsin, U.S.A., 328.
2660Gossett, J. M. 1987. Environ. Sci. Technol. 21: 202 - 208.
2622Hansch, C. & Leo, A. 1979. Substituent Constant for Correlation Analysis in Chemistry and Biology. Wiley: New York.
564Heitmuller, P.T., Hollister, T.A. & Parrish, P.R. 1981. Acute toxicity of 54 industrial chemicals to sheepshead minnows (Cyprinodon variegatus). Bull. Environm. Contam. Toxicol. 27: 596 - 604.
3120Howard, P.H., Boethling, R.S., Jarvis, W.F., Meylan, W.M. & Michalenko, E.M., Handbook of Environmental Degradation Rates, 1991. Lewis Publicers, Inc., Chelsea, Michigan, U.S.A., pp. 725.
2369Kästner, M. 1986. Biologische Elimination von leichtfluchtigen Halogenkohlenwasserstoffen (Theoretische Glundlagen und Laborversuche). Fachseminar - Bodensanierung und Grundwasserreinigung - Wiedernutzung von Altstandorten. 24-25/9 1986 in Braunsweig: 155 - 166.
761Könemann, W.H. 1979. Quantitative structure-activity relationships for kinetics and toxicity of aquatic pollutants and their mixtures in fish. Univ. Utrecht, Netherlands.
798LeBlanc, G.A. 1980. Acute toxicity of priority pollutants to water flea (Daphnia magna). Bull. Environm. Contam. Toxicol. 24: 684 - 691.
3105MITI 1992. Biodegradation and bioaccumulation data of existing chemicals based on the CSCL Japan. Compild under the Safety Division Basic Industries Bureau Ministry of International Trade & Industry, Japan. Edited by Chemicals Inspection & Testing Institute, Japan.
2436Schwarzenbach, R. P., Giger, W., Hoehn, E. and Schneider, J. K. 1983. Behavior of organic compounds during infiltration of river water to groundwater. Field studies. Environ. Sci. Technol. 17 (8): 472 - 479.
2602Suntio, L. R., Shiu, W. Y. and Mackay, D. 1988. A review of the nature and properties of chemicals present in pulp mill effluents. Chemosphere 17(7): 1249 - 1290.
2335Tabak, H.H., Quave, S.A., Mashni, C.I. & Barth, E.F. 1981. Biodegradability studies with organic priority pollutant compounds. Journal WPCF. 53: 1503 - 1518.
1599VDI 2306. VDI-Kommission Reinhaltung der Luft. Maximale Immissions-Konzentrationen (MIK). Organische Verbildungen.
2378Vogel, T.M. & McCarty, P.L. 1987. Rate of abiotic formation of 1,1-dichloroethylene from 1,1,1-trichloroethane in groundwater. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 1 (1): 299 - 308.
2379Wilson, B.H. & White, M.V. 1986. A fixed-film bioreactor to treat trichloroethylene-laden waters from interdiction wells. Presented at the sixth national symposium and exposition on aquifer restoration and groud water monitoring. May 19 - 22, Columbus, Ohio.
2377Wilson, J.T. et al. 1983a. Enumeration and characterization of bacteria indigenous to a shallow water-table aquifer. Ground Water 21 (2): 134 - 142.

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