Data bank of environmental chemicals     |     The Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE)


Data bank of environmental properties of chemicals

CAS-number :
Synonyms :
Sumformula of the chemical :
EINECS-number :
Uses :
Molecular weight :
Melting point, °C :
Boiling point, °C :
pKa :
5.21  Sangster 1989
Log octanol/water coefficient, log Pow :
0.65  Sangster 1989
Volatilization :
Relative volatility (nBuAc=1) = 1.51
Photochemical degradation in air :
Photooxidation half-life in air:
53d - 5.3d, based upon measured rate data for the vapor phase 
reaction with hydroxyl redicals in air (Howard 1991).
Photochemical degradation in water :
Photooxidation half life in water:
24.4yr - 14.7yr, based upon measure rate data for hydroxyl 
radicals in aqueous solution (Howard 1991).
Half-life in air, days :
53  53d - 5.3d,
5.3  based upon photooxidation half-life in air.
  Howard 1991
Half-life in soil, days :
7d - 1d,
scientific judgement based upon unacclimated grab sample of aerobic soil.
  Howard 1991
Half-life in water, days :
1w - 1d,
in surface water:scientific judgement based upon estimated aqueous aerobic biodegradation half-life.
14  2w - 2d,
in ground water:scientific judgement based upon estimated aqueous aerobic biodegradation half-life.
  Howard 1991
Aerobic degradation in water :
Aerobic half-life:
7d - 1d, scientific judgement based upon unacclimated grab 
sample of aerobic soil (Howard 1991).
Anaerobic degradation in water :
Anaerobic half-life:
28d - 7d, scientific judgement based upon anaerobic acclimated 
screening test data (Howard 1991).
Ready biodegradability :
Confirmed to be biodegradable (Anon. 1987).
LD50 values to mammals in oral exposure, mg/kg :
891  orl-rat
LD50 values to birds in oral exposure, mg/kg :
1000  >1000, orl-Agelaius phoeniceus
1000  >1000, orl-Sturnus vulgaris
1000  >1000, orl-Coturnix coturnix
1000  >1000, orl-Passer domesticus
  Schafer et al. 1983
Maximum longterm immission concentration in air for plants,mg/m3 :
0.7  VDI 2306
Maximum longterm immission concentration in air for plants,ppm :
0.2  VDI 2306
Effects on microorganisms :
Toxicity threshold (cell multiplication inhibition test):
bacteria (Pseudomonas putida): 340 mg/l
(Bringmann & Kühn 1980a)
EC50 values to microorganism, mg/l :
737  15 min Microtox, Kaiser and Ribo 1985
LOEC values to algae, mg/l :
28  rpd, schr, Microcystis aeruginosa
  Bringmann & Kühn 1976
NOEC values to algae, mg/l :
50  rpd, schr, Selenastrum capricornutum
  Slooff et al. 1983
LC50 values to crustaceans, mg/l :
1350  48hr, Daphnia magna
575  48hr, Daphnia pulex
2470  48hr, Daphnia cucullata
  Canton & Adema 1978
220  48hr, Asellus aquaticus, Slooff 1983
182  48hr, Gammarus pulex, Slooff 1983
LC50 values to fishes, mg/l :
1350  24hr, Gambusia affinis
  Wallen et al. 1957
330  48hr, Oryzias latipes
  Tonogai et al. 1982
560  48hr, Salmo gairdneri
  Slooff et al. 1983
1.3  1d, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha
1.1  4d, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha
1d, Oncorhynchus keta
3.7  4d, Oncorhynchus keta
4.3  1d, Oncorhynchus kisutch
3.8  4d, Oncorhynchus kisutch
6.9  1d, Oncorhynchus nerka
6.3  4d, Oncorhynchus nerka
3.2  1d, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha
2.9  4d, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha
4.6  1d, Salmo gairdneri
4.6  4d, Salmo gairdneri
  Wan et al. 1987
106  96 hr, Pimephales promelas
93.8  96 hr, Pimephales promelas, Geiger et al. 1986
EC50 values to fishes, mg/l :
106  96 hr, mbt, Pimephales promelas
85.6  96 hr, mbt, Pimephales promelasGeiger et al. 1986
Other information of water organisms :
LOEC 3.5 mg/l, rpd, schr, Entosiphon sulcatum (Bringmann & Kühn

LC50, 48hr, 1300 mg/l, Tubificidae
LC50, 48hr, 229 mg/l, Chironomus gr. thummi
LC50, 48hr, 2400 mg/l, Erpobdella octoculata
LC50, 48hr, 350 mg/l, Lymnaea stagnalis
LC50, 48hr, 1900 mg/l, Dugesia cf. lugubris
LC50, 48hr, 1150 mg/l, Hydra oligactis
LC50, 48hr, 30 mg/l, Corixa punctata
LC50, 48hr, 410 mg/l, Ischura elegans
LC50, 48hr, 254 mg/l, Nemoura cinerea
LC50, 48hr, 165 mg/l, Cloeon dipterum
(Slooff 1983)

Toxicity threshold (cell multiplication inhibition test):
green algae (Scenedesmus quadricauda): 120 mg/l
protozoa (Entosiphon sulcatum): 3.5 mg/l
(Bringmann & Kühn 1980a)

1848Anon. 1987a. The list of the existing chemical substances tested on biodegradability by microorganisms or bioaccumulation in fish body by Chemicals Inspection & Testing Institute. Ministry of International Trade and Industry, MITI. Japan.
187Bringmann, G. & Kühn, R. 1976. Vergleichende Befunde der Schadwirkung wassergefährdender Stoffe gegen Bakterien (Pseudomonas putida) und Blaualgen (Microcystis aeruginosa). Gwf-Wasser-Abwasser 117(9).
188Bringmann, G. & Kühn, R. 1980a. Comparison of the toxicity thresholds of water pollutants to bacteria, algae and protozoa in the cell multiplication inhibition test. Water Res. 14: 231 - 241.
241Canton, J.H. & Adema, D.M.M. 1978. Reproducibility of short-term and reproduction toxicity experiments with Daphnia magna and comparisons of the sensitivity of Daphnia magna with Daphnia pulex and Daphnia cucullata in short-term experiments. Hydrobiologia 59(2): 135 - 140.
3294Geiger, D. L. et al. 1986. Acute toxicities of organic chemicals to fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) Vol. 3. Center for Lake Superior Environmental Studies, University of Wisconsin-Superior, Superior, Wisconsin, U.S.A., 328.
3120Howard, P.H., Boethling, R.S., Jarvis, W.F., Meylan, W.M. & Michalenko, E.M., Handbook of Environmental Degradation Rates, 1991. Lewis Publicers, Inc., Chelsea, Michigan, U.S.A., pp. 725.
2420Kaiser, K. L. E. and Ribo, J. M. 1985. QSAR of toxicity of chlorinated aromatic compounds. In: Tichy (Ed), M. QSAR in toxicology and xenobiochemistry. Elsevier, Amsterdam 27.
1973Pilli.A., Carle, D.O., Kline. E., Pickering. Q. & Lazorchak. J. 1988. Effets of pollution on freshwater organisms. JWPCF 60(6): 994 - 1065.
3104Sangster, J. 1989. Octanol-water partition coefficients of simple organic compounds. J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Vol 18, No. 3: 1111 - 1229.
1743Schafer , E.W.Jr., Bowles, W.A.Jr., Hurlbut, J. 1983. The acute oral toxicity, repellency and hazard potential of 993 chemicals to one or more species of wild and domestic birds. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 12: 355 - 382.
1304Slooff, W., Canton, J.H. & Hermens, J.L.M. 1983. Comparison of the susceptibility of 22 freshwater species to 15 chemical compounds. I (sub)acute toxicity tests. - Aquatic toxicology 4: 113 - 128.
1302Slooff, W. 1983. Benthic macroinvertebrates and water quality assessment: some toxicological considerations. Aquat. Toxicol. 4: 73.
1426Tonogai, Y. et al. 1982. Actual survey of TLm (Median Tolerance Limit) values of environmental pollutants, especially on amines, nitriles, aromatic nitrogen compounds and artificial dyes. J. Toxicol. Sci. 7: 193.
1599VDI 2306. VDI-Kommission Reinhaltung der Luft. Maximale Immissions-Konzentrationen (MIK). Organische Verbildungen.
2413Walker, J. D. 1987. Effects of chemicals on microorganisms. Journal WPCF 59 (6): 614 - 625.
1498Wallen, I.E., Greer, W.C. & Lasater, R. 1957. Toxicity to Gambusia affinis of certain pure chemicals in turbid waters. Sewage Ind. Wastes 29(6): 695 - 711.
2017Wan, M. T. et al. 1987. Acute toxicity to juvenile pacific salmonids of Garlon 3A, Garlon 4, triclopyr, trichlopyr ester, and their transformation products: 3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinol and 2- methoxy-3,5,6-trichloropyridine. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 39: 721.

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